Developing Relevant and Impactful Project Reports

  • Trainer: Gopal Kumar Jain
  • Study Time: 60mins
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Course Overview
This course will highlight the need of creating and developing a variety of development project reports, how to conceptualize and develop effective reports. Also, specifically the advantages of good report preparation for fundraising and communications.
  • Video Time: 60mins
  • Quiz: 2

This course outlines the following

Director's Report and Other Important Reports

Advantages of good reports

How to Document

Good practices

Course Lessons

Gopal Kumar Jain
The Trainer
A Senior developmental sector professional, with over 25 years of rich experience in delivering optimal results & business value in high-growth environment in the areas of NGO management, fundraising, corporate partnerships, CSR, employee engagement, retail fundraising, major donor acquisition and retention, institutional fundraising, volunteer management, branding and communications, programme management and networking. Possess competencies in leading multi-channels resource mobilization. Acquired and serviced over 100,000 individual donors, mainly major donors and partnered with over 100 corporate and institutional donors.