How to improve Cost-Recovery while maintaining NGO Sustainability

  • Trainer: Gopal Kumar Jain
  • Study Time: 60 Minutes
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Course Overview
In this course we are going to learn how the cost recovery method is used in accounting to protect businesses from uncertainty in revenue recognition and also put some light on how cost recovery is the safest form of revenue recognition and an important method for accountants and even freelancers to understand. We also discuss what the cost recovery method is, when to use it and how to calculate cost recovery and everything about starvation cycles to overhead costs!!
  • Video time: 60 Minutes

Understanding Indirect Costs

Starvation Cycle

Overhead Costs

Recovery Methods

Course Lessons

Gopal Kumar Jain       
The Trainer
A Senior developmental sector professional, with over 25 years of rich experience in delivering optimal results & business value in high-growth environment in the areas of NGO management, fundraising, corporate partnerships, CSR, employee engagement, retail fundraising, major donor acquisition and retention, institutional fundraising, volunteer management, branding and communications, programme management and networking. Possess competencies in leading multi-channels resource mobilization. Acquired and serviced over 100,000 individual donors, mainly major donors and partnered with over 100 corporate and institutional donors.