Income Streams for NGOs
                           and Social Enterprises

  • Trainer: Gopal Kumar Jain
  • Study time: 60mins 
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Course Overview
Can NGOs earn money without declaring profit?
An income stream is a regular supply of money that comes from something such as an investment or business. Come learn how your NGO/Social Enterprise can generate revenue from multiple sources.
  • Video time: 60mins
  • Quiz: 5

The course outlines the following aspects:

Income Generating Activities

Introduction to Membership

Crowd Funding

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Course Lessons

Gopal Kumar Jain
The Trainer
A Senior developmental sector professional, with over 25 years of rich experience in delivering optimal results & business value in high-growth environment in the areas of NGO management, fundraising, corporate partnerships, CSR. Possess competencies in leading multi-channels resource mobilization. Acquired and serviced over 100,000 individual donors, mainly major donors and partnered with over 100 corporate and institutional donors.